Duluth Friends of Tennis
Duluth Friends of Tennis is a non-profit community tennis association dedicated to promoting tennis in Duluth. We maintain the Longview courts and clubhouse and run a court reservation system during peak play hours. We are a Welcome Center for the USTA.We coordinate an outreach program of instruction and organize tennis lessons, tournaments, and team play opportunities for players of all ages.
QuickStart Tennis
QuickStart Tennis is a format to help kids ten and under learn to play the game. Longview will use QuickStart for group lessons this year. To make it easier for the kids, a few things have changed. The court sizes. The racquet sizes. The balls. The scoring system. Even the net height. Now any child between ages five and ten can start playing tennis almost immediately-even if he or she has never picked up a racquet before. Like other popular youth sports, QuickStartstresses the importance of play and team competition. It’s also now part of the USTA Jr. Team Tennis league.